On the community

Impact On The Community


PAMOJA’s operations on-the-ground in Rural Uganda has direct and tangible social benefits for the local communities. PAMOJA works with women micro-entrepreneurs and empowers them through training & capacity building. These micro-entrepreneurs then become part of PAMOJA’s Charging Battery Services and rents out lanterns to replace Kerosene lamps.



Through our operations in rural Uganda, PAMOJA is directly displacing kerosene lamps in households by daily renting out lanterns. This reduces indoor air pollution and improves the health of BoP women.

Income Generation

PAMOJA’s agro-processing services results in income generation for the farmers through value-addition of their produce and full capture of the value-chain by the farmer.

Women Empowerment

PAMOJA has trained a number of women micro-entrepreneurs in Rural Uganda and is empowering them through job creation through the Charging Battery Services.